

Monday, May 5, 2014

JSON Design Principles and Lessons Learnt: An Approach to Designing JSON (Part One of Three)

Lessons Learnt from JSON Designs I've Worked On

Over the last couple of years, I've worked on a few JSON schema. For example, IPTC's NINJS (for representing news) and W3C GC ODRL's ODRL in JSON (for representing permissions and restrictions). I've also done some work on JSON internal to AP, for various APIs and search systems.

Along the way, I've learnt some lessons about better or worse ways to design the JSON - both about the way to do it and some JSON "style" tips. I've broken this into three posts:

Automagic JSON?

One way to create a JSON schema is to automatically generate one from an XML Schema. For any given domain, there's probably a decent XML Schema available, so why not take advantage of that and use of the many tools that are available to automatically generate the JSON for you?

In fact, there are quite a few different ways you can translate between XML and JSON, depending on what you're trying to achieve. Therefore, each tool can potentially generate quite different JSON for a given XML document. For a good overview of the different approaches and techniques involved, I recommend this survey of ways to map between XML and JSON. (That PDF is IBM's submission to the W3C Workshop on Data and Services Integration).

If you have a large amount of XML you want to convert into JSON, you may well need to implement your own tool to do the conversion. Not only does this let you control the choices made, it also can give you the opportunity to fix the niggling issues that inevitably arise in your XML as you extended your design in unexpected ways.

However, I recommend that you hand craft the design of your JSON representation, to make it as natural as possible.

A JSON Design Process

What I've found it a good way to design a JSON schema is to follow this simple process:

  • Identify a list of candidate properties - perhaps by reviewing relevant XML schema for inspiration
  • Think of one or two ways to represent each set of related properties in JSON - and research whether anyone else has designed something like it already
  • Construct sample JSON documents for each of the alternatives
  • Prototype some code to see how they work for your intended use
  • Select the best alternative and add it to your schema
  • Write down the examples and your rationale for picking that representation (otherwise you will forget)
  • Repeat

After a while, you'll see some repeating patterns and you'll need to write fewer prototypes to try things out. But I still recommend writing down your rationale...

Trying out the JSON in code is particularly important if you haven't done a lot of JSON work before. It really gives you a feel for the best, most natural way to work with JSON and can help get you out of your XML Mindset (if that's where you're starting from).

JSON Design: A Series

Part two will discuss JSON tools and standards.

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